Hours: 9.00 am - 4.00 pm Monday to Thursday (closed 12.30 to 1.30), 9.00 am - 12.30 pm Friday

(07) 4681 3777

Granite Belt Reports

It is through bringing together the increasing collective wisdom that policy development and decision making is informed and shaped at local, regional and state program and government levels.

It is also only through sharing with others and contributing to the increasing knowledge that is freely available that our learning increases and we save much resources and time spent in reinventing the wheel and making the same mistakes over and over.

GBNC is always interested in contact from any person wanting to add their research and policy work to this collective knowledge pool.

Click on the report of interest to download:

Granite Belt Neighbourhood Centre Value Report 2021

Chronic Conditions DDWMPHN region


Southern Downs Service Directory 2021

Granite Belt Regional Profile 2018

2017-2018 Health Needs Assessment by Darling Downs Primary Health Network

Health Needs Assessment – description of Health Service Use, workforce and consumer need by Darling Downs Primary Health Network

Australian Early Development Census – Community Profile 2018 of Stanthorpe part 1

Australian Early Development Census – Community Profile 2018 of Stanthorpe part 2