Hours: 9.00 am - 4.00 pm Monday to Thursday (closed 12.30 to 1.30), 9.00 am - 12.30 pm Friday

(07) 4681 3777

Emergency Relief

what is it?

Emergency Relief can take many forms eg. food voucher, pharmacy and in the case of a medical appointment you may be entitled for a fuel voucher (confirmation of appointment is needed).

The type and level of support provided is in response to the person’s circumstances, presenting unmet need and the level of support varies whether it’s for a family or individual.

Those who access ER may be referred to other programs both internal to GBNC and/or to other agencies that provide services in the Granite Belt.


Emergency Relief is available to Granite Belt resident individuals (including backpackers), couples, and families to assist with essential items.

how does it work?

When ER is ‘open’ you can simply visit GBNC and wait in turn until seen. Each person is only able to access ER four times per financial year.


Emergency Relief is held every Monday from 9am-12noon at 8 Corundum Street, Stanthorpe.

St Vincent de Paul, Stanthorpe please call 1800 846 643 to register for an appointment.  Emergency Relief is provided on a Tuesday between the hours of 9am to Midday however, all requests must be registered via the 1800 846 643 prior to attending in person.

The Salvation Army offers ER via the phone and if approved their vouchers are picked up from the Salvation Army store in Stanthorpe on Wednesdays 9 – 12noon or Friday of the week from GBNC between 9 and 12noon.

Funded by Federal Department Social Services

Crest - Australian Government Department of Social Services